MeRrY ChRiStMaS and A VeRy HaPpY nEw YeAr !!! -‘WELL COME’ 2014

“The greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane.”  ― Mahatma Gandhi Let this new year 2014 help us, To bring out all the good in us and                     to kill the devil inside. To show more love, care and respect for  Continue reading “MeRrY ChRiStMaS and A VeRy HaPpY nEw YeAr !!! -‘WELL COME’ 2014”

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My Life Saver Post

Howdy friends! Few months ago, I lost my peace. My mind was busy battling and bottling with so many thoughts and theirs conflicts. So, I started with my next blog post. I did my draft, it went a few lines (truly very few) and hardly filled half the page. I was wondering, as how IContinue reading “My Life Saver Post”

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The New Year Resolutions

In the beautiful way has come the end of this year. Letting apart issue like end of the world, we shall invite 2012 happily with great hopes for this year. It is now time for us to think of our resolutions for the year 2012.  Get ready with your pen to list them out. Before listingContinue reading “The New Year Resolutions”

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The not implemented schedule!

It’s my vacation time now, after being recovered from a hectic examination month. Before it was over, as a student eagerly awaiting the holidays, In spite of the books in hands ,I started counting the number of days and how all beautifully can I spend them (kind of search for a relief on the night before the draggingContinue reading “The not implemented schedule!”

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As a blogger!

Most of us will have the habit of filling up the pages in our diary by the end of each day. It may contain joyful moments spent that day or sorrows or the bitter happenings that kept your mind pricking all through that day. And of course I write too. I love spending time with my diary thanContinue reading “As a blogger!”

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